Indigenous Capacity Building Circle

Strengthening Relationships & Services.

Indigenous Capacity Building Circle (ICBC).

The Indigenous Capacity Building Circle will actively build capacity and relationships in agencies, organizations and systems within the region to strengthen services offered to Indigenous children, youth and families.

The goal of the Indigenous Capacity Building Circle is to bring the mainstream and Indigenous systems together to develop strategies for system improvements. In addition, we aim to:

  • Identify and establish the conditions for cultural competency and safety within agencies and organizations.
  • Promote ongoing cooperation and resource development to meet Original Peoples’ needs.
  • Develop protocols for consultation and issues as they affect Original Peoples and communities.

Journey Reflections - Then & Now.

Before ICBC
  • There was little or no knowledge about our worldview or who our communities were.
  • Original Peoples were being viewed as one group, as though all our communities had the same culture and beliefs.
  • Tools and protocols were being developed without input from our communities with a one size fits all approach.
  • Little or no funding was available, specifically for capacity building.
  • Systems were culturally unsafe and there was a lack of cultural competency within mainstream organizations.
  • There is an increased awareness and understanding that we have a different worldview and different ways of doing business.
  • There is an increased understanding of the uniqueness of our communities’ cultures and recognition of the differences between them.
  • There are dedicated seats for Original Peoples representation and encouragement of more partners at the Child, Youth and Family Coalition of Simcoe County and other planning and implementation tables.
  • We recognize unique community needs and the importance of having an inclusive community driven process.

Get in touch with us.

We are located at 6036 Rama Rd, Unit #3 Rama ON L3V 6H6.

You can reach us via email:


Biinoojinsag is a committee of front-line workers supporting parents with children 0-6 to ensure services, referrals & supports within the Indigenous community.

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Lifecycle Wheel

Representing the alignment and interaction of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realities for each cycle of life.

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